Request letter to society members for meeting

Mr Crouch,
Society Secretary,
Global Plaza,

All Society Members,
Global Plaza,

Dear Society Members,
This letter has been drafted to appeal you all to make your important presence felt in the annual meeting which we conduct every year. This makes me feel extremely proud in saying that another year has been completed by our society in a peaceful and prosperous manner. There are certain issues which have to be discussed in this meeting. The prior meeting had the intimation of all the things to be discussed in this annual meeting.
Also, the appointment of the new society committee is due and since this is the last meeting before the elections to take place, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and assistance during my tenure as the society secretary. I am hopeful that everyone will be coming to the meeting on time. The schedule of the annual meeting has been put up on the society notice board.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Crouch

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Related : Request letter to society members for meeting