Appeal letter for financial aid for college

This letter can be written for many purposes such as taking permission, seeking some help, or financial support. Making an appeal by writing an appeal letter is more accurate way then the traditional way of making an appeal. A person always writes an appeal letter addressing to that person who is superior. It can be formal or informal letter. It contains information about the receiver as well as about the writer.
Mrs. Brenda R. Mercurio
General Secretly-Women’s Education Welfare Association
653 Coulter Lane
Warsaw, VA 22572
05 September, 2010
Dear, Mrs. Brenda
I Ms. Kathleen G. McIntyre, I am a student of second year bachelor’s in commerce from St. Andrew’s College. My father was working with a garments company since 25 years and was a permanent employee of the company. But in the month of August, 2010 he got a paralysis act due to which he could not be able to move his body from one particular place. He was the sole earner of our family; my mother is a house wife. Since the company was a private firm there is no such benefit as pension a so on. We are 4 brothers and sisters and hence taking education for every one is very difficult. As I am the eldest one I want to complete my graduation as earlier as possible. So that I can help my family. Thus I am making an appeal to that if could make an arrangement of my current year’s and next year’s fees then it will be so kind of you.
Yours truly,
Ms. Kathleen G. McIntyre
1509 Adams Drive
Giddings, TX 78942

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Related : Appeal letter for financial aid for college