Apology letter to customer for the misbehavior by executive

Ms. Megan Smith
33, Ascham Lane

Dear Ms. Smith
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that you faced yesterday and for the bad behavior of our employee.  The executive that was sent from our company at your place to fix your internet connection was new and did not behaved the way he is supposed to behave with customers.
As you know, our company is upgrading our internet services to provide better facilities to customers. Hence, most of the employees have got engaged in this up-gradation process. That’s why we hired few new employees to take care of day-to-day connectivity issues.

Once again I apologize for the misbehavior by our executive. I am sending another executive today to fix up your internet cable line and to sort out all the issues that you are facing with your internet connection. I also assure you that what happened yesterday will never ever happen again in future.

Thanks for using our internet services.
Jason Rodrigues
ADS Technologies

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Related : Apology letter to customer for the misbehavior by executive