Breach of Confidentiality Agreement Letter

Megan R. Lowe
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345
Mr. Logan Article
678 Random Street
Someplace, CA 76886
February 18, 2013
Dear Mr. Article,
I am contacting you in order to discuss a non-disclosure agreement signed on January 5, 2013. It has come to our attention that this agreement has recently been breached.
You have violated this contract in the following ways: Section 4A states that you will not disclose any information about the Private Company to anyone outside of the company for any reason whatsoever, including company documents in any form (original versions, copies, faxes, and digital versions). However, as of February 10, 2013, it was brought to our attention that you had disclosed a Private Company document to an outside source. Since this document was considered company information and was disclosed in digital form to a company outsider, this contract has therefore been breached.
The Private Company is requesting your attendance at a contract breach hearing on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. in Board Room A. Please let me know as soon as possible via email if you will be able to make it. Until then, you are suspended from company property and will be unable to access your company phone or email.
Megan R. Lowe
Attachments Enclosed

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