Job offer letter with relocation assistance


Use this letter template to make an offer of employment. The letter confirms the job title, start date, salary, benefits, and relocation assistance, and requests a signature confirming acceptance of the offer.

[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

[Recipient Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name]:

It is our pleasure to confirm our offer of employment to you as a [job title] at [Company Name]. In this position, you will report directly to [Manager’s Name] beginning [date].
Your salary will be $[amount] per year. Paychecks are issued [frequency], beginning with your first paycheck on [date].
We will provide relocation assistance in the amount of $[amount]. If you leave [Company Name]before one year of continuous employment, you are required to return the total amount of relocation assistance.
You will be eligible for medical and dental benefits beginning on your first day of employment. Vacation accrues at a rate of [number] hours per month. You will be eligible to take accrued vacation after [number] months of continuous employment.
To confirm your acceptance of this offer of employment, please sign below and return to me by fax at [fax number].



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Related : Job offer letter with relocation assistance