Job termination letter for misconduct

Summary: A termination letter for misconduct is issued to an employee who keeps on continuing his misleading behavior even after frequent warnings. The cause for the letter of termination has to be mentioned in the letter. The below letter provides you the idea of writing such a letter.
Mr. Daniel,
45- Black Street,
Green Shadow,
United States.
Mr. Daniel,
Our company is sad while terminating you from the Mac & company. Your misconducting behavior is not good for the company and its affecting our clients and colleagues. You have been the reason to earn losses for the company due to your acts.
Earlier we had sent to many warning letters, which has no result in improving your character towards the company’s clients. Your unlawful acts have earned losses for the last quarter which you are responsible for. Thus, you are being given a certificate of misconduct as a punishment from us, so as to stop this in future. Your dues will be settled within a month and we ask you to leave the company.
Hope you transform your behavior.
Disciplinary committee.
Mac and Co. Industries

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