Insurance Marketing Sales Letter

A person takes motor insurance against any accident, or life insurance to protect his survivors after his death. Usually a person takes the insurance policy with accompany that has a low premium value.
Here is a sample insurance sales letter:
General Insurance Pvt. Ltd.
Maple Street,
Mr. Jack Sloan
5th Street,
Beachwood Park,
17th March 2010
Dear Mr. Sloan,
Our company General Insurance Company provides insurance of your vehicle and life. The motor insurance policy has a low premium and it insures your vehicle against all sorts of accidents.
We provide with At Home services. That is, you can pay your premium from your home itself. The money of these policies will be paid on time and soon with a minimum hassle. So we request you to kindly visit our office or call on the number given below and an agent will be assigned to you, who will explain all the policies to you. We hope that you will find the services provided, to your satisfaction.
Thanking you,
With Regards,
General Insurance Pvt. Ltd.

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Related : Insurance Marketing Sales Letter