60 Second Sales Letter

Summary: It is better to write a quick 60-second sales letter to avoid ignorance from the readers. Write the letter in precise form and include all those important things, which you want to convey to the reader of the letter. Like your successful products and effective services.
15th September 2010
Dear Sir/Madam,
You must try to pass the message as soon as possible to avoid the reader being distracted from your letter. The shortest sales letters are the best. A letter that takes duration of one minute is appropriate as there is hardly any time to for the reader to get bored and look for marketing gimmicks. This is because many people are busy and time is money. Your letter should be able to bind the attention of the reader convince him and make him to take decision within one minute.
It could look like a daunting task but there is nothing impossible for professionals. The techniques and the strategies should be applied with care for the purpose. When you go to our website you will be able to read some 60 second sales letters. Visit us.
Consultants on Business Letters
Tikolo Street,
South Africa.

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