Resignation Letter – How to Quit a Job

Summary: This is a brief on how to resign from a current job professionally to ensure that the leaving employee will benefit in the long term. A well executed resignation process brings more benefits to the leaving employee than otherwise, provided that the employee has carried out his work responsibilities well.
There are many ways to quit a job, but the best way to do so is still being professional about it; that is, through a resignation letter that is formally written. For when one resigns from the current workplace, there is a possibility of severing an important business relationship for the future. Thus, the resignation letter is an important tool for the resigning personnel to look professional about the whole issue, especially if it is a well written letter.
The resignation letter should be formal in format, courteous and concise with good grammar and no errors in spellings. Thus, the letter should be checked well before submitting.
Unless you had been a problem with the company, there will usually be a good send off for you, leaving you a good reference of your performance with the company, or your company may be willing to act as a referral for you on future employability opportunities.
It is a good practice to complete all responsibilities before leaving the company on the last working day, so that it makes the handing over much easier for another to continue the tasks.
One should bid farewell to the colleagues as well as the superior on the last day as a courtesy of good work relations. It is good to take the opportunity to show your gratitude and make amends or tie up any loose ends where possible to close this chapter of your career neatly, so that none will come back to haunt you in the future.
Finally, attend the company’s exit interview if any, giving positive feedback with no malice or deep dissatisfaction so as to remain on good terms with all levels of personnel in that company. Adhere to the company’s requirements and documentations when leaving so that there is a smooth and happy send off for you.

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