Sympathy or Condolence Letter Sample on death of father

The demise of any member of the family is a traumatic experience. At this moment, in all the societies and cultures of the world, the near and dear once gather around the bereaved family. It is of immense consolation to the family members, who have lost someone. It helps them to overcome their grief. A simple condolence letter can also bring some pace to the grieved.
Here is a sympathy condolence letter:
Martha Joseph
A-34, William Brown Street,
Sherlin Johns
4/2, Near Sydney Jones Library,
16th June, 2010
Dear Sherlin,
I am deeply grieved to hear of the sad news of the sad demise of your father. My family joins me to mourn the death of your dear father who was a source of continual inspiration and guidance not only to you but also to me. It was he who advised me to join Management Course. It was only his advice that I am a manager to such a reputed firm.
Your loss is really immense and I don’t know how to express myself on such an occasion. May god give peace to the departed soul and strength to you to perform your duties and responsibilities. I am always there to help you. Please do not hesitate in telling me your worries and difficulties. You will find me with you at every step of life.
With deepest sympathy,

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