Farewell email to colleagues at time of leaving organization

One can write a farewell letter while one is leaving the organization. The person can write a letter thanking the entire management and the workers with whom one has worked. One can also give the latest mobile number and the latest residential address. Thanking and appreciating the people in the work place and thanking for full support.
3rd March’2010
Dear All,
As you all know that today is my last day over here and I need to shift from this place due to some personal reasons. I would like to bid a farewell to all of you once and for all present here.
Working with this company for these three years I really appreciate the support and the coordination provided by all the colleagues. I have gathered a lot of knowledge working for this company and gained a good practical experienced in this company. I as a professional thank the entire management and appreciate my seniors making me legible for this post.
As I am going to change my residence my cell phone number remains the same. Any one of you can contact me when ever needed on my personal email address. will miss all of you and the company I worked for.
Shabby Dane.

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