Employee Promotion Acceptance letter

Summary: The purpose of promotion acceptance letter is to inform about settled promotion. One is supposed to show height of curtsy while writing this application because this should be written with polite tune. The massage should be looked alike with full essence of business communication approach. You have to fall pleasing impression on reader.
Mr. /Ms ……………. (Full Name)
……………………   (Designation)
Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/2/2010
Managing Director
…………………. (Name of Company)
Dear Sir,
Ref: You’re Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2010 dated ………..
It is honor for me to announce my promotion for the position of senior marketing manager. I am delighted enough for being awarded by management for higher rank. Hence, monetary compensations aren't that much important for me but the recognition has importance for me.
I admire for the procedure adopted by you to evaluate my performance over two years. However, I assure you to give my best to organization in terms of high productivity and service level. It’s been great with me to continue my working for longer time period. As far as sincerity is concerned, I always be sincere the job assigned to me.
Yours sincerely,

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