Emergency Leave Letter due to close relative death

As the name indicates, leave letter for condolence is written to request leave when anyone very close to you or your family meets death. Everyone knows that missing someone is really sad and it is necessary to inform your higher official in office about this sad incident. Usually you can write leave letter for condolence after taking leave and finishing the formalities. Check the format of leave letter for condolence below and try to write it the same way when you need.
11th November, 2001.
Mr. William Pank,
Solute Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
New York.
Dear Mr. William Pank,
I am feeling really sad to inform you that one of my close relative to my family passed away last night and it is necessary for my entire family to join the funeral ceremony. Since, I am not able to attend office today, I am mailing you this letter so that you can make my absence from office legal and informed.
I kindly request you to grant me leave for 4 days from today, 11th November to 14th November. I will be back to office on 15th and will complete all pending works as soon as possible.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
John Lincard

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Related : Emergency Leave Letter due to close relative death