Daughter marriage invitation letter

Summary: A wedding is an event that must be properly prepared and one preparation is writing a wedding invitation letter. Indian wedding means lots of gathering friends family relative from both the families will come together. A good invitation letter contains all the necessary details of the wedding. A sample letter is presented below which you can use in writing your wedding invitation letter.
Francis and Nelly Schuck
Mercedes Street
Mr & Mrs Johnny Philips
78, South Bay Ave.
March 3, 2009.
Dear Friends:
We are cordially iniviting you to the wedding of our beloved daughter Ms. Shania Holmes and Engr. Edward Swift, the son of Mr. Norman Swift on June 12, 2009.
This letter serves as our formal invitation but please expect an invitation card to be delivered to you. In that card are some of the important details of the said event.
This invitation also goes to the rest of your family.
We wish to take the opportunity to extend the invitation to all your near and dear ones.
Hoping that you will grace this event and witness the couple as they take their vows.
Thank you.
Yours Truly,
Francis and Nelly Schuck

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